It’s #SignalBoostSunday! Follow the link to find creators to support. I’ve often talked about the high degree of “comic book insecurity” I had as a young fan. That is, for a variety of reasons, when I was a kid I didn’t have stable, secure access to new comics. There were […]

I’ve been posting some infrequent comics at Journey Into Mediocrity, but I think it’s pretty clear that, while some of them are fun, and I do enjoy making them, my heart really isn’t in doing those sort of one-off (alleged) humor comics. (Which is not to say that I’m going […]

Popping in just to share a link to this post at The Mary Sue. I love comics. I love reading them, writing them and also writing about them; comics are a big part of my life. What I don’t love is the industry that currently surrounds comics. Quite a few […]

Deciding that it was past time that someone start posting some comics on a platform intended to host, you know, comics, I took it upon myself to create a comic and post it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry because it’s not very good, and because that’s not what OpenDoor Comics is […]

The Path

Comics, Mission 1 Comment

As I’ve been toiling away working on the Media Kit mentioned in my last post – which is why it’s been a while since my last post – there’s been something at the back of my mind that’s given me a bit of pause. We all know by now (I […]

While the site itself seems to be languishing with nary a visit nor, more crucially, a comic creator sign-up, I haven’t been idle. As time (and energy) allow, I’ve been working on some projects to get the word out and hopefully increase traffic and generate some interest from prospective comics […]