Mail Call For 12.18.24
I don’t know when I first learned of the existence of the 1982 DC Comics Style Guide – maybe in a Meanwhile… column in a comic of the day – but whenever it happened at that moment I knew only one thing: I had to have one.
For decades, that was an impossible dream, and it seemed destined to remain that way, as DC, apparently having no interest in making money, ignored the demand for a commercial release that fans like me could purchase.
Then a miracle happened.
And now I’m holding that miracle in my hands.
I just…I’m so happy.
I may do an Unbagging post about it to share more details, but for now, here are some pictures.

In conclusion

Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.
Excellent, congratulations on dreaming the impossible dream until you reached the unreachable star.