Sometimes when I support a crowdfunded campaign the people behind it overcommunicate, inundating me with emails documenting every step of the process.

Other times, they undercommunicate, which is why I so often forget that I backed something until I get an email telling me it’s shipped.

This one was the latter type. Months went by without an update, then it went back to silence after the update, until, more than a year after placing the order, I got an email in December telling me that it would ship in January.

Meanwhile, I saw other people on Bluesky receiving their copies at that same time.

January nearly ended with no confirmation that mine would be shipping, but on the very last day of the month I finally received a tracking number.

And today, I received, well, it.

This collection features pages of art from many of the different artists who have illustrated the adventures of the sullen-eyed Cimmerian throughout his long history in comics.

So let’s take a look at some of their work.

I assume the reason some people got their copies long before I got mine is that they bought them via retailers, whose orders were fulfilled long before the orders of individual backers. Getting the signature likely also added to the delay.

But in any case, there are plenty of things still out there – some I remember, some I don’t – waiting to show up for the Mail Call, so check back soon to see wonders have arrived on my doorstep.

Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.

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