I actually couldn’t remember if I’d ordered this until I got an email telling me that shipping was going to be delayed.

Then a couple of hours later I got an email telling me it had shipped and that it would be arriving yesterday.

Then yesterday arrived and it didn’t, and it said it would be here by the 14th.

Then today I checked and saw that it was out for delivery.

Nine hours later, it arrived.

In any case, Paul Smith took over the art chores on Uncanny X-Men just when I became a regular reader, so I feel a special fondness for his work.

…now. At the time, I wasn’t that impressed, at least initially, but month after month I grew to appreciate his style, and as I’ve gotten older I appreciate it more, especially when I think about some of the iconic moments he illustrated.

So let’s take a look at some of those, shall we?

(Click each to enlarge)

And that’s just a taste.

As is typical, there are always things that will be arriving on my doorstep, many of which will be surprise to me, so check back soon for the next Mail Call.

Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.

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