Mail Call For 3.19.23
…which is to say, I bought some new omnibuses (and there will be more Mail Call posts in the coming days).
I honestly was not that big a fan of the Slott run on She-Hulk – though there are some elements of it that I did enjoy – but I saw that this was on sale yesterday, and I do have other Shulkie omnibuses, so the completist in me decided to go for it, especially given that the recent Disney+ series has made me inclined to give it another look.
While I was buying that, I saw that this was available as well, and as is inevitable, it ended up in my cart.
This one was more of a no-brainer than the She-Hulk omnibus, given that I already have the main OHOTMU omnibus.
Anyway, stay tuned for the additional Mail Call posts that will pop up in the coming days.
Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.