The Haul: Big Lick Comic Con Edition
Because it was nearby – and because it’s my birthday – today I swung by Big Lick Comic Con NOVA for a bit.
I didn’t stay too long, as I didn’t have a lot of money to spend, the non-comics guests weren’t a draw for me – which is in no way a slight to them – and there weren’t that many comics guests.
I also didn’t take a lot of pictures because that’s just how I am.
I did manage to spend some money. So let’s see what I got.
First off, I got some things signed by Walter Simonson and Louise Simonson.
I also got a sketch of Beta Ray Bill from Walter Simonson:
Along with the signatures, I got the great memory of getting to meet Walt and Weezi and also got my picture taken with them:
Also scored a signature from Christopher Priest:
I didn’t see Jeff Parker there, so, sadly, I didn’t get anything signed by him.
And now for the stuff I bought (note that I made donations to the Hero Initiative in gratitude for the signatures)
First up, I’ve gotten that much closer to completing my run of Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane:
The seller also had a copy of #2, but not at a price I was willing to pay for the condition. Still, I remain just two issues away from a complete run.
I picked up a bunch of Superman vol. 1 to fill in some of the gaps I have in my lazy quest to have a run that starts from my birth to the end of the series.
I gave a little more money to Hero Initiative and did a bit more Warlord gap-filling, and picked up the Marvel Two-in-One just because it’s a classic.
And finally, I grabbed this just because it looked neat.
I also bumped into Brad and Lisa from Comic Book Couples Counseling, finally getting to meet them in real life after knowing them online for a while.
And that was my brief – but pricey – day at the con. There was more to see if you have more of a focus beyond comics than I do, but while I didn’t stay long, and won’t be stopping in for the second day tomorrow, it was nice to get out and be around like-minded people for a bit.
I’ll close things out with a few of the random, not-very-good photos I did take while I was there.
Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.