Mail Call For 4.8.23
While I was buying some of the issues of Doomsday +1, I figured that since I was already on something of a John Byrne kick, I might as well pick up something that I’ve been meaning to grab for a while.
And now here we are.
This came out during my hiatus from regularly buying comics, but if I’d known of it or encountered it in a bookstore at the time, I probably would have picked it up.
But I didn’t, so I didn’t, and then when I returned to buying comics and became aware of it, I never got around to picking it up. Until now, which leads us here.
I promise that one of these days I will write an Unbagging post instead of just putting up Pull List and Mail Call posts.
And you can believe that, because, I mean, I said I’d eventually get around to buying this book and I did actually do that.
Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.