As should be clear by now, while most of the books I buy are things that I’m primarily interested in for the purposes of reading. Even with the variant covers I buy, generally, I’m buying at least one copy of the comic for the purposes of reading it.

Sometimes, however, I buy comics just for their cover, as is the case with my latest set of variants.

Not that I’m suggesting that the series isn’t worth reading – I have no idea – but I’m not likely to start reading a series with its 6th issue if I can help it.

Anyway, here are four copies of a comic purchased for its covers, which feature cosplayer Rachel Hollon, AKA FacesByRachie.

Born of Blood #6
Rachie Queen Cosplay Topless Virgin
Rachie Queen Cosplay Naughty Virgin
Rachie Queen Cosplay Topless Virgin Metal
Rachie Queen Cosplay Naughty Virgin Metal

And yes, metal in the description means metal. Not foil, but actual sheets of shiny metal.

Follow FacesByRachie

Born and raised in the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jon Maki developed an enduring love for comics at an early age.

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