Coming Soon(ish)
While the site itself seems to be languishing with nary a visit nor, more crucially, a comic creator sign-up, I haven’t been idle.
As time (and energy) allow, I’ve been working on some projects to get the word out and hopefully increase traffic and generate some interest from prospective comics creators. They are, after all, the primary reason this site exists.
One of those projects is a press release describing the site and its mission and driving home the message that we’re looking for creators to start helping it fulfill that mission. The release will be, er, released very soon to assorted media outlets, as well as to some of the bigger names in Webcomics and other comics professionals with an online presence, in the hopes that they will help spread the word.
The other, somewhat more involved project, is a comprehensive Media Kit, of which that initial press release is only one component.
Given that this is a place for comics, naturally the Media Kit will emphasize that purpose by the very nature of its format. It’s still a work in progress, but here’s a sneak peek just to assure you that I am, in fact, still working, despite all other evidence to the contrary.
It’s looking good. I want to say you could do with a mascot Of some kind to punch up the cover, but generic or company-based super heroes ate tacky and overdone and I don’t know what else you’d go with. That turtle from the “art test” that one art school would send out?