Take It For A Spin
I’m not yet ready to step back into the Spotlight, but I did want to pop in and let you know that I have, in fact, returned from my vacation.
As is invariably the case, upon returning, I got sick. I appear to be on the mend now, but it did lead to the inevitable “I need a vacation from my vacation” thought, and reaffirmed my belief that I need to take some additional time to recharge.
In the meantime, I’ve launched a new feature here at OpenDoor Comics, one that is in the very earliest stages of development, and, like the site in general, has a lot of room for improvement.
I call it The Spinner Rack, and it’s intended to curate and aggregate comics-related news from multiple sources, providing you a frequently-refreshed view into what’s going on in the world of comics.
Drawing from an ever-expanding list of sources, The Spinner Rack will give you a real-time – or nearly so – look at what matters to you. And if you’re here, what matters to you is comics.
Like I said, it’s at the very earliest stage of development, and as time and resources allow I’ll work into adding new information sources and improvements to the look and feel and functionality.
The intent is to drive people to view the material directly; I don’t want to try to leech off of the work that others have done. I want to help amplify that work.
Anyway, it’s live now – such as it is – so take it for a spin, and feel free to provide suggestions for improvements and news sources, and keep your eye on this space for future developments.
And if you want to help develop it – or any other aspect of OpenDoor Comics – in a more direct, monetary fashion, well…
Supporting OpenDoor Comicsis a thing you can do, by whitelisting the site in your ad blocker, by purchasing something from the OpenDoor Comics Shop, by creating your own comics on the OpenDoor Comics platform, or through directly giving money via Patreon or PayPal.