Weigh In Wednesday 11.8.17
A family reunion may turn bad for Wonder Woman (so, basically, just a typical family reunion), the horrible (typical) family reunion theme continues for Superman, it’d take a Miracle for Scott Free to get off, er, scot-free, and AH! gives us a tale of comics’ most famous BFFs (Best Frenemies Forever).
All this and…well, all this, in this week’s Weigh In. Cast your vote by 12 AM Eastern on November 12th, and then come back for Spotlight Sunday to despair or gloat, depending on how things turned out for you!
Which comic should be featured in this Spotlight Sunday?
- ACTION COMICS #991 (DC) - “THE OZ EFFECT” part five! After being revealed as [REDACTED], Mr. Oz makes his last moves against the Man of Steel and his family. (50%, 5 Votes)
- MISTER MIRACLE #4 (DC) - “King and Gerads draw upon the magical lunacy of the Fourth World, while delivering a modern opener that feels like fireworks in the brain.”—Gail Simone (20%, 2 Votes)
- BETTY & VERONICA BY ADAM HUGHES (TPB) (ARCHIE) - Yeah, I don't normally read Archie books, but...it's by AH! (20%, 2 Votes)
- WONDER WOMAN #34 (DC) - “CHILDREN OF THE GODS” part three! Wonder Woman and her brother, Jason, finally come face-to-face! (10%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 10

TPB = Trade Paperback, a volume containing a longer original story, or collecting multiple issues of a regular comic.
HC = Hardcover, a volume containing a longer original story, or collecting multiple issues of a regular comic.
Special thanks go out to Comic Logic Books & Artwork, my Local Comic Shop. Remember to support your LCS (find one here, if you don’t already have one). And support OpenDoor Comics on Patreon!
At first, it was a tie between Mr. Miracle and the AH! book, then I saw the AH! book was Archie and it was decided for me.